When your car is in the shop for auto body repair, you learn real quick what your insurance policy covers and what it does not. Policy coverages are one of the more confusing parts of the collision repair experience. Many people assume they automatically get rental car coverage, but that...
Tag: icar
Honda’s New Position On Scanning: What all Honda owners Need To Know
Honda insists any of their vehicles needing repair get a diagnostic scan before and after any repairs are made. This is important to note because not all body shops know to take this step. We explain why you need to know this here in this article.
What Chrysler Says About Sectioning And Welding Their Cars
When your car gets a collision repair, it often requires cutting and welding. But did you know there is a right way and a wrong way to do it? Would you be shocked to learn that not all body shops follow the correct procedure, putting your life and the value...
Could Your Car Still Have Issues After An Extensive (and expensive) Collision Repair?
Repair Industry surveys show that when your collision repair crosses the $10,000 or above range, you may face longer repair times and out-of-pocket rental car expenses. Some customers also report a higher frequency of poor communication from the body shop at this price point. We discuss what issues you might...